Our therapy office is located in

Sacramento, CA

As of October, we are now providing in-person availability on Mondays in Midtown, Sacramento


2023 N Street, Sacramento, CA 95811

The office is in a beautiful historic Victorian business building on the 2nd level. There is not an elevator at this location.

As a client, you will receive a code to enter the building before your first appointment. Take the stairs up and go left at the landing.

Please proceed to the waiting room on the right side of the hallway and I will retrieve you at the time of your appointment. Please help yourself to water or tea. There are cups on the shelf.

The restrooms are also located on the 2nd level and are marked accordingly.

The office is light and bright with ample space and good flow.


2-hour parking is available on N Street and the side streets of 20th and 21st.


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